Step by Step: Adding Stripe Payments in Next.js 14

Alistair Cooper
13 min readFeb 27, 2024

In the ever-changing landscape of app development there’s never been an easier time to integrate a robust payment system 🤑. Whether you’re selling digital downloads or subscriptions Stripe emerges as a leading choice for handling transactions. The combination of Stripe’s API and Next.js 14’s server-side capabilities and API routes offers a powerful path to incorporating a payment system into web apps.

The Cash Zebra

Although Stripe offers quite good documentation I’ve tried to distill the process down to a step by step guide that addressed the stumbling blocks and (time consuming!) hurdles I found along the way.

Here I’ll provide a roadmap for setting up, displaying and processing a one-time payment with Stripe. Along the we’ll learn how to listen to the Stripe webhook and log events to your own transactions database.

STEP 1: Developer Environment Setup

  • If you haven’t already: install Node.
$nvm install 20.11.0
  • Create a Next.js project and navigate to the project directory in the terminal.
  • Install Stripe dependencies.
$npm install @stripe/stripe-js @stripe/react-stripe-js

$npm install stripe

STEP 2: Create a Stripe Account



Alistair Cooper

Technical engineering lead at Fender | composer | guitarist | Ironman triathlete | Berklee Alum | Lives in Los Angeles : Made in the U.K.